IconAuthor Fluent 1500 Driver Release Notes ********************************************** IconAuthor's Fluent 1500 driver allows you to use the IconAuthor video icons to load and play Fluent (FMI and JMV) files. This driver (FLUENT.DRV) is based on the Fluency 3.0 software. INSTALLATION ************ To install the IconAuthor Fluent 1500 driver do the following: 1. Follow hardware installation instructions that came with the Fluent 1500 board. 2. During the IconAuthor installation, select Digital Video drivers and select Fluent 1500 from the list of drivers. 3. Run IconAuthor 4. Select Setup Video from the Options menu. Select Fluent 1500 as the video player and select Fluent 1500 for the video port. 4. Select Setup Overlay from the Options menu. Select Fluent 1500 as the overlay device. NEW DIGITAL VIDEO FEATURE ************************* We have added new functions to the V:Overlay icon to support Fluency. **The "Source" command for the V:Overlay icon allows you to display more than one video window of more than one type (analog or digital). The source "number" is the name of the video window. The number of allowed video windows is determined by the hardware. All commands that affect video are for the last referenced source. You can change the source only (that is, the source is not created or destroyed) by leaving the Parameter 2 field blank. FOR DIGITAL VIDEO ***************** 1. Places the file sample.fmi in video window 1 (MAX 1 DIGITAL WINDOW) Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 1 Parameter 2 c:\fluency\flix\sample.jmv (Enter full path and filename. JMV and FMI file extensions supported.) FOR ANALOG VIDEO **************** 1. Displays video from Analog source 0 in window 2 (MAX 2 ANALOG WINDOWS) Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 2 Parameter 2 analog1 2. Displays video from Analog source 1 in window 3 (MAX 2 ANALOG WINDOWS) Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 3 Parameter 2 analog2 FOR STILL VIDEO *************** 1. Places the file sample.yuv in video window 2 (only YUV) (MAX 2 WINDOWS) Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 2 Parameter 2 c:\fluency\flix\sample.yuv (Enter full path and filename.) PREVIEW ANALOG VIDEO BEFORE CAPTURE *********************************** 1. Creates video window source 2, previewing video from analog source 0 Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 2 Parameter 2 record1 2. Creates video window source 5, previewing video from analog source 1 Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 5 Parameter 2 record2 FOR STILL VIDEO CAPTURE *********************** 1. Capture the current video source into the specified file (YUV only) Overlay Icon: Command capture Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 c:\fluency\flix\sample.yuv Parameter 2 YUV (Enter full path for destination of captured file in Parameter 1) FOR DIGITAL VIDEO CAPTURE ************************* 1. Start the capture of digital video from the last defined video source Use the source command to create a record window and use the stop command to stop the recording. Overlay Icon: Command capture Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 c:\fluency\flix\sample.jmv Parameter 2 JMV STOP VIDEO CAPTURE ****************** 1. Stops video recording in source window 2 Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 2 Parameter 2 stop 2. Stops video recording in source window 5 Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 5 Parameter 2 stop REMOVE A VIDEO WINDOW ********************* 1. Removes (destroys) video source 2 Overlay Icon: Command source Transparent Color leave blank Parameter 1 2 Parameter 2 remove SUPPORTED VIDEO FUNCTIONS ************************* Video Player commands generally work fine except for setting a "play to" frame at the last frame in a video sequence. The supported icons and commands work with Fluency in the same way as documented in the manual. Any differences in functionality are noted. **V:Audio icon Supported There is no ability to turn on and off separate audio channels. **V:Frame#? icon Supported. **V:Overlay icon Function Supported Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audio No Capture Yes Copy No Crop Yes parameter 1 field is ignored does not compress the video image Fade Audio NO Fade Video No Freeze Yes Graph Yes Paste No Restore No Source Yes Super Yes Unfreeze Yes Video Yes Same as Super Notes on V:Overlay functionality 1. All recorded video is 320x240, analog sources are 320x240 2. Audio from the analog sources will not stop once it is started. Limitation of Fluent software. **V:Player Function Supported ------------------------- stepf Yes stepr No slowf No slowr No playf Yes playr No fastf No fastr No load No wait Yes stop Yes source 1 No source 2 No **V:PlayTo Supported Any frame number other than the end of a video file will work. This is a limitation of the Fluent software. **V:Segment Supported **V:Still Supported